
I Un-Apologize

brand campaign, comedy, healthcare

Since forever, vagina owners have had to apologize for simply ...having a vagina. But Annovera, the annual, procedure-free birth control believes that women don’t have to apologize for what they want.

So for this year’s very real holiday, Vagina Appreciation Day, the best way to appreciate your vagina is to un-apologize. We encouraged all vagina-owners to post their own un-apologies on social, kicking things off with a launch day video from Whitney Cummings.

Women un-apologized for things like period stains. For granny panties. For tampon strings. If you’ve ever said sorry for the smell, dew point, or general vibe of your vagina. For ever wanting - NAY, needing — thoughtful, extended, premium-grade foreplay. 


Then we created a 360 campaign featuring a chorus of women, un-apologizing for things in their own lives. At launch, Annovera had its best sales numbers to date.