Advertising Awards

2021 | Clio Health Grand Clio — Boring Heroes, Mucinex
2021 | Clio Health Silver — Boring Heroes, Mucinex
2021 | Clio Awards Silver — Boring Heroes, Mucinex
2021| D&AD Wood Pencil — Boring Heroes, Mucinex
2018 | Adweek Project Isaac Awards - Gravity Award (Best of Show) - National Geographic
2018 | Adweek’s Project Isaac - Product Development Invention - Media - National Geographic
2018 | Adweek’s Project Isaac - VR/AR Invention - Marketing & Advertising - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Silver Lion - Mobile -  Innovative use of Technology - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Bronze Lion - Mobile - Technology > VR - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Bronze Lion - Brand Experience & Activation - Use of AR, VR & Mixed Reality - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Bronze Lion - Media - Channels > Use of Technology - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Bronze Lion - PR - Sectors > Media / Entertainment - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Lions Shortlist - Brand Experience & Activation - Media / Entertainment - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Lions Shortlist - Media - Use of Branded Content created for Digital or Social - National Geographic
2018 | Cannes Lions Shortlist - PR - Content-led Engagement & Marketing - National Geographic
2018 | Epica Award Silver - Virtual Reality - National Geographic
2018 | Shorty Award for Social Good - Best in Education - National Geographic
2018 | Shorty Award for Social Good - Best in Virtual Reality - National Geographic
2018 | Cresta Awards Grand Prix - Ambient Media - National Geographic
2018 | Cresta Awards Silver - Branded Entertainment - National Geographic
2018 | Cresta Awards Silver - Craft (Cinema) - Virtual Reality - National Geographic
2018 | Cresta Awards Silver - Design - Offline Digital Design - National Geographic
2018 | Cresta Awards Bronze - Outdoor - National Geographic
2018 | London International Awards Gold - The NEW: Virtual Reality - National Geographic
2018 | London International Awards Silver - Digital: Virtual Reality - National Geographic
2018 | London International Awards Silver - Digital: Media Promotion - National Geographic
2018 | London International Awards Silver - Design: Experiential Design - National Geographic
2018 | London International Awards Bronze - The NEW: Experiential - National Geographic

Writing Awards

2018 | Top Comedy — Tracking Board LaunchPad Contest
2018 | Second Rounder — Austin Film Festival, Comedy Teleplay Pilot Category
2018 | Semi-Finalist Nantucket Film Festival, Showtime Tony Cox Screenplay Competition, 30 Minute Episodic Category.